The Wide Load Lunch... truckers special. If this don't wind up on the inside of your windshield an hour down the road, use our stomach pump for free next visit!
Chef ventures all the way to the back of the walk-in cooler for this one (not without some risk to himself). Unproportioned amounts of various grilled road kill, served with potato solid, harsh browns, frenchflys, braked potato, five kinds of beans, three kinds of graby, salad, numerous dressings (no choice... sorry), fuzzy greenish stuff (may be bread or rolls), and mix-or-mismatch desserts (or stuff that's similar to desserts). To help you choke it all down, you get any amount of any beverage we have on hand or can be found lurking in a different time zone at the back of the cooler. Eat up! All this can be yours for
The Olive Drab Garden Festervial... Spewgetti Dinner. To be seen standing in line outside of a particular restaurant seems to be more important to some folks than edible food at a fair price. For those, we offer our Spewgetti Dinner which will help you simulate the name-dropper restaurant experience (and ripoff price). You can even stand in a line while you EAT your food!
Clumpy spaghetti in a gut-wrenchingly strong toematter sauce with three times the normal amount of basil and other bitter spices, 2 meat balls (Spam spheres), bread stakes coated with garlic-lard, salad (half a head of lettuce cut into three pieces, one toematter cut into four pieces), and a garlic dog biscuit. Serves one, no seconds, no refunds
The Outbackside Shafthouse Steakout Glutton Special. Another simulation of a place to be seen eating regardless of price or quality. Except this time, you don't have to stand in line or wait at your table till the food arrives... we hand you a cheap pager-like device which you can take with you anywhere in the restaurant (visit the gift shop why dontcha?). When we're good and ready for you, your device will beep (or possibly explode... sorry), and you can come galloping back to your table. The pager/beeper can also double as a communicator in case you'd like to contact Captain Kork aboard the Enterputz and request a beamup (you'll have to pay your bill before leaving, however).
3 pounds of tough, rubbery steak, undercooked for that vampire experience. Comes with a baked potater and a token salad. That's it!
Glutton plate $17.99
The Fizzler Steak-In-The-Heart Stroke Inducer. Nothing really special about this meal (just like the real thing) except the fat content and the price... they're HIGH!
Choke down enough beef (or sompin like beef) to feed a family of four. Fixed any way you want it (except done... yummy!). Comes with all the taters and fatty graby one person can handle. And we mean ONLY one... please don't ask for extra plates and silverware just 'cause there's so much meat. Hey... have your stroke (or heart attack) while you're still in the restaurant and the meal's on us!!!
Fizzler Stake (uh... make that Steak)
3 nitro tabs
Loopy's Cafetearya Loonyanne Splatter Military Chow Simulator. Wow... it's just like being back in the military. Controlled, individualized, segmentized, scrutinized, pre-portioned, pre-sized, pre-shaped, pre-shrunk and pre-served micro-portions of bland food selected from a cafeteria-style chow line are "splattered" on mini-plates. A dab of this, a smattering of that, two bites of whatever-that-is (you probably don't wanna know, so don't ask!). Part of the fun is trying to arrange all those little plates in front of you at the table. You MUST stand at attention and declare your desire for Loonyanne before getting in line. TEN-SHUN!! DECLARE CHOICE! HUT two, three, barf!
Your choice of one meat, two veggies, a bread item, and water (beverage, dessert, and other extras are extra if you want extras). Please take your tray to the Bleuhair room and seat yourself. Loonyanne Splatter
Coming soon...
Starputz Coffee (tentative name... could change). Yepper... another ripoff product at a sensable price brought to you by the RKG research staff. Soon, the Road Kill Grill will offer every imaginable, dorky, snobby coffee with a meaningless name (is Lot A a word or the first space in a trailer park?). Heck, anybody can make coffee so strong that you're buzzed into a stupor where you think it's good. Lou Boyle, General Manager of the RKG, searched garage sales, flea markets, junk stores and dump sites to find just the right apparatus to impress you into thinking coffee's hard to make. Lou found a small steam engine and is having it chrome plated so as to appear to be something it's not (just like the flashy thingies at Starputz). Keep checking back here for the details. If it's a ripoff, we can do it better at the RKG! Uh... cheaper, too.
Taste-alikes old fast food standards.
When nothing else will do, we have the fatty, greasy, nasty stuff you're used to. No need to leave the park for your favorite fast foods, just pick from our varied selections misrepresenting the most popular greaspits:
MacDurnold's, Burger Fling, Whataburper, Windease, Yak In The Box, Taco Bile, Taco Cablama, Kannedturky Fly'd Chicken, Chirpsess, Subsonic, Bopeye's, Bill Mailer's, Dreary Green, Pizza Glut, Mr. Gassie's, Dummynose, Little Sneezer's, Seesea's, Subwake, Snotzkey's.
Don't see your favorite place listed? Then
and let us know what it is.
NOTE: we don't list the likes of Dung Cow, Bloaten Wok, etc. here in the fast food section for obvious reasons (fast may describe it's trip through your digestive system, but food is a sadistic lie). If you're into fast garbage establishments, try our UNFOOD menu items, or call your local dumpster provider (they even deliver!).